This form should only be used to request review a possible scoring discrepancy. It should b used if you believe you are incorrect scored. It is not a Request for Redress. The Race Committee will review and respond to each request and return this form to the Race Office.

Please use a separate form for each individual request. This enquiry will be review by Race Committee as soon as possible.

ILCA 6 Youth Women
USA 217340
Other boats/boards finishing nearby (give numbers and relative finish to you)
217949 GRE finished 4th
220273 GRE finished 12
220482 ESP finished 9
Additional Comments:
In the 5th race on the start I was 3rd boat from the pin. The two boats leeward of me (0273 and 0482) started ahead of me leeward forward, and the boat windward of me (7949) started equal to me. I was the only boat called over at the pin. I would like the RC to review video, voice recording, or any other evidence regarding my U flag in race 5.